Diner Napkin Drawing

Hello everybody. I know what you are all thinking: "Marlo, why did you delete yourself from Myspace" well, I became addicted to it and I'd be messaging for hours and hours... so i'm taking a break from it. Don't worry i'm not dead.

Here's another drawing I did yesterday on a napkin. I'm happy with the weird hair at the bottom part.
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I made pretzels!
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Gabriel Hunt said...

Now if you can sew food together, well we all know that its the key to world piece, so get on it commie.

Marlo said...

i'm no commie

david said...

haha cool hair and weird funny lips! hahaha those pretzels look fun.

Gabriel Hunt said...

You're right, I like this alot better than Myspace.

Kristen McCabe said...

Marlo Updated! Wheeee! Oh yeah! I like your Napkin drawing of Jim-may! I agree with David, cool-weird lips! What else do you like to cook? Your pretzels are making me hungry!

Keelan Parham said...

Cool drawing, Marlo! Yeah, I can relate to what you said about making something everyday. I've started cooking, myself. Ouch, I didn't mean COOKING MYSELF. That would hurt. I mean I myself started cooking. Lots of gournmet type fish and chicken dishes, with fancy drizzles and the like (my wife loves it). It's like edible artwork! I'm thinking of taking some classes at the culinary academy here in town. Anyway, glad you updated your blog...I've been waiting to see something new! Hope to see you here in O-town for the con in the Fall.....

Gary Clair said...

...going through withdrawel.

Bob Renzas said...

She's not dead!
Oh yeah, you're a real, real good drawer too!

MisterZoobadoo said...

I'd like to order half a dozen of those pretzels. Do you deliver?

Marc Crisafulli said...

If scrawling on napkins in diners is what'll bring more drawings to your blog, than I guess that's how it's gotta be.


Marlo said...

everyone come over and eat the pretzels, they are good.

i'm making stew tonight

Bob Renzas said...

Sure thing, buddy!
So, you going to the San Diego geekfest this year or what?

Urban Barbarian said...

Once again you make it look so damn easy~!

Marlo said...

jenny my baby! i dont know what happened to it! waaah..... i'll draw you another napkin one.

You did get grossed out when i turned the nasty-dried-mouth- crust on the other napkin into a donkey thing. want that one?

Benjamin Arcand said...

Nice pic..those are COOL hair!!

Mitchel Kennedy said...

Alright, a new post! Very nice lines. =]

Unknown said...

those pretzels look real!!!!! what medium did u use??? i would hate to be infront of those works of lines - i might get run over!!!