"just enjoy your twenties" they say

Been drawing a lot. experimenting with different cartooning styles and different pens and things. Too chicken to post any of it, really. but here's a self that i did just now for this post.
I was in the Philadelphia St Patty's day parade, check it out:

  • Parade 1

  • Parade 2

  • Parade 2

    david said...

    " Too chicken(PUSSY) to post any of it, really. but here's a self that i did just now for this post."

    post em.

    Unknown said...

    I like I like I like..
    Real nice drawing..I am excited

    rickgo said...

    that first photo was taken literally 4 blocks from my house.i get thai tea and noodles from the grocery store there regularly.12th and washington!

    High Power Rocketry said...

    24 and In New York!

    Does life get any better?

    WIL BRANCA said...

    "...a self that i did just now for this post."

    Oh, really...

    just now, huh?

    chicken, you say?

    evil, evil Marlo!

    Great stuff!

    Marc Crisafulli said...

    "Only lines on paper", like Crumb said.

    "Let's see whatcha got in there",
    like George Liquor said!!

    heri said...

    ah, what the hell are you doing riding the van? you're a vigina! post them up!


    p.s. keep up the post coming!

    Kristen McCabe said...

    You don't look anything like The leprechaun in those scary movies!
    Did you throw beads out to all the pale fat irishmen who showed you their man boobs?

    Anonymous said...

    wow u are a hottie ;)

    Anonymous said...

    great pics & drawings. Do you draw from photos & if so, what would you charge for drawing?

    Thanks for the laughter.