The Secret Society of Face Destroyers

The Caricature Convention (big deal for me) is Coming again Oct 1st in Orlando and I'm very very excited. About 400 (?) Caricaturists from around the world compete against each other for a week! Caricature bigshots like Krueger, Hirschfeld, Sergio Aragones and some fancy character designers and more Mad Mag artists have been been competitors at previous conventions!

The best one wins the Golden Nosey Trophy !

There's a bunch of categories like, best likeness, most exaggerated, Funniest and other fun stuff.
In the spring, I beat the record at Bruce Blitz's stand for most caricatures drawn in a day, and I hope to bring that skill with me for the speed competition.


Here's one of my live Caricatures I did Last year at the Vegas Con of the lovely Lar!

With this Lar, I won "Best Color Technique" 2nd place.

I wouldn't miss it! Info:

(I want my LA cartoonist friends to join me! John said he doesn't understand why people want to torture each other...ha!)


Shawn Dickinson said...

Hoooooly crap that sounds great!

Good luck!

Look for my wal-eyed expressionless face peaking out from the corner of your paparazzi shots!

David Germain said...

I never even heard of the Nosey Award until I read this. Now it's an award I would love to have in my possession someday. Oh well, I'd better get scribbling then.

I hope you do well in the competition though. Break a pencil. ;)

LêA Holubii said...



Patrick McMicheal said...

If you win the "GOLDEN NOSEY", will they make it pointy and more elf-like to match YOUR nose?
I love what you're doing..I really admire good caricature artists ....I'm so bored with the standard "ThemePark-County Fair-BoardWalk" type artist look!
Good Luck

Jeremy Townsend (JERT) said...

you forgot to mention all the goofy looking freaks that go to this thing... its drawing all the ugly faces that keeps me coming back for more...... also, ladies, there are a lot of virgins at these things, lots of unplowed territory if you know what i'm saying

Anonymous said...

GodDamn Marlo that do be some Nice! Sleep lightly, I may steal your eyes. .....Wow, how creepy does that sound?
Seriously though Great stuff. I'm glad you aren't having to go draw Zombies.

Stephen Worth said...

Can I apply to be a model of ridicule? That would be fun!

See ya

Big AL said...

Your color work is awesome!

I'm stayin' home this year. :(

Good luck with the speed comp!

Marlo said...

Steve, you are fun to draw for sure! I am going to come visit you soon for terry toons.

Vincent, friend, i didn't understand your comment but you can say whatever you want because, well, you are vincent. (sigh)

Patrick, a nipple nose trophy is genius.

Marlo said...

Big AL, crap! i wanted a pinup style drawing!

MisterZoobadoo said...

gonna be in my neck of the woods, eh? good luck with the competition. I may have to drag my kid down there ... Awesome work on Lar. Beautiful stuff.

Jenny Lerew said...

jesus h christ that's an amazing painting!!!!!! GAWD!

O! how I wish I could caricature worth a tinker's damn! I loew the idea of speed-drawing like that...a stiff toot would no doubt I can do(and have done)is a "speed-draing-toss-into-wastebasket" competition.

You are going to be Queen of this event, that's for sure.

Eddie Fitzgerald said...

That's a TERRIFIC picture! If it can be that good and only get second prize then I'd love to see the one that got first!

Anonymous said...

Envy me my horrid beauty! :D

Marlo, I shall be glad to do my own 'pin up' of you. I'm no Al but I can do da' boobies.

See you October!


Rånny said...

u mad that man look sew *~sexi*~ omg, those colours are amazing and they work so well together. Marloquesha, bb, stop being so good. :B

Trevour said...

I want to go this year but I don't think I'll make it. Next year for sure though! Besides, I totally need another year of caricature-ing under my belt before I feel worthy enough to be amongst such great masters of the cartoony caricature world!

Benjamin Arcand said...

WOW!nice colors:0 good luck there.

Gabriel Hunt said...

I'll see you there, and I'm gonna win that speed competition, and I' gonna win that color competition, but not the spelin competition.

Anonymous said...

If I knew how to draw nether-regions properly i would totally paper fuck you .

Chloe Cumming said...

I’m also curious to know what materials you use to do those big colour studies in public.

Sounds like well fun though.

(Behold, my immaculate grammar)

I want you to sweep the board and show those crappy big head small body bints a thing or two.

I would love to go… I can feel my competitive juices boiling… But I would collapse under pressure I reckon and produce flat drawings of egg people and everyone would slowly back away as if I smelled. I envy your wit-soaked craftswomanship.

Making super-exaggerated caricatures on the spot is a very particular talent (at least making good ones). I feel like I need to thoroughly understand a face with boring conservative studies before I can go there. But I’m uptight and repressed, as we know.

Gabriel Hunt said...

Okay I'll let you win, if, you draw me.

Eric Bauza said...

DUUUUUUUUUDE - - -this one by far the best one and MY personal favorite!!!


Brian Brantley said...

Marlo's a pure athlete. Good luck, and make sure to stretch before charicaturing. I'd hate to see you injured in competition.

greg oakes said...

that caricature kicks ass!! what a style!! that's freakin' nuts!! you're talented beyond words... GREAT STUFF!!! all the best!!!...

Steve Hearn said...

Marlo, I'll let you win the speed comp if you marry me...LOL! Prepare for war hunni... we gonna spill blood in the speed comp this year!!

Urban Barbarian said...

An amazing caricature. I'm frightened to see what the future holds for you and which direction your art will go. Terrifying and exciting...!

mrityunjay said...

i madly luv with u..