unwanted painting commission!

In rejection, he politely explained that the image was him, but dead and in hell. :(

UPDATE! a kind blogger purchased my painting! yaaaaay!


A.M.Bush said...


Shawn Dickinson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marlo said...

hahah shawn, be kind to your squid

Trevor Thompson said...

Let's have some potato and ham soup and forget all about how the man's chin went from almost non-existant to muppet-like and focus on how awesome you drew his hair and eyes and how cool the colors are ( especially that desert-like background ).

There's other things to be sad about. Like losing six months work on a hard drive that broke for no explicable reason.

- trevor.


Katie said...

Whoa, amazing!!! This has got some of the most amazing skin textures I've ever sen you do. The background is so cool, too! I'm not sure I understand why he didn't like it, it's a great representation of Marlo genius. Ah well! If I had painted it I would have wanted to keep it for myself! :)

Sean Worsham said...

Yowza! I don't see how this could be sad, cause I'd feel happy if I got a drawing like this! You da PIMP of PENCILS MARLO! That and Markers and Watercolors :) Draw me, Draw me PLEEAASE! :D.

Edward S. Smith Jr. said...

I hereby decree that henceforth people with mullets are NOT allowed to make comments on any form of artistic expression.

LFW said...

haha, that's hilarious

excellent work, too bad the dude didn't want it in the end

cheers to you and your flowy line

Unknown said...

I'm amazed by that background. One of my eyeballs exploded.
Now I hafta go back on the patch.

ZackWallenfang.com said...

Beautiful! Kind of reminds me of those trapped souls from The Little Mermaid.

Unknown said...

The Best Representation of a Cats Bottom I've ever seen........ now about the art work......AWESOME!! ;)

Gary Clair said...

I wish I can emote anger from people with my art. I'm so jealous of you!!!

Unknown said...

yeah he was also very picky with the one I did- then made one more -TAME-

this was the1st one-

and the 2nd one-

Vincenzo said...

Love that "Klimt-like" background...he will regret not taking this one day!

Marlo said...

grigor, i didn't know you did a second one. I hope you charged for changes.

Louise Smythe said...

WHAT? But this is so amazing! He'll regret it one day.

Unknown said...

he paid for both -

Max F. Cobb said...

It's SPOT ON! From those rotten eyes..right up to his Jet Jaguar head rudder.

Barbasaurus Rex said...

philistine!! He should be so lucky to get an original Marlo Meekins. You technique on his neck and eyebrows is awe inspiring!

bert5693 said...

wow im so jelous u even got to draw him... that painting is awesome!!!

Nico said...

marlo, you are a genius

Tommy A.D said...

I would take it that he knew your style of art. It's funny you can put time and effort into creating a personal piece only to hear "nope, i don't like it!"

Brie215@hotmail.com said...

Man he must've been high or something cause that looks just like him.

just glue a picture of zak starkey to a slab of cardboard and give it to him. sheesh

Mick said...

haaaaaaaaa... i would have rejected that too. It's bloody horrible, but you specialise in savage attacks so he should have seen it coming. These commentators are clearly bigger 'fans' than he is

Justin said...

Had he even seen your other caricatures? Even so, you should never expect a caricaturist to "make you look better". That would be like a huge lie to the subject. Making them look extremely exaggerated is like an appealing truth. That drawing's fantastic.

ted said...

The painting itself is great. Nice colours and textures and all, but to be fair, it don't look much like the poor guy...except the eyebrows. Those are spot on.

Jeremy Jams said...

Dude blew it

John A said...

Everything about that photo says that he is very pleased with his own face. Your best bet would just have been to trace it.

Derek Edwards said...

Your textures are mindblowing and I love your unique style. Drawing caricatures would be great if it weren't for the customers.

Emily Byrne said...

It's amazing. And his loss.

Brad said...

Simply brilliant!

chris chUa! said...

that's some cool textures. surprising he rejected it...especially since it seems like a tamish one for you. I remember his face from 2 caricatures Grigor did of him.

but glad someone bought it...although who buys a caricature of someone else? heh.

Donald Bastard said...

You should take him to court on Judge Judy.

Marc Deckter said...

(oops - forgot I was logged in as the bastard)

You should take him to court on Judge Mathis.

Everybody's gotta be in a Gang said...

It's an amazing piece of art, Marlo; It's too bad for him...
Did you have a contract with him, btw?
I knew I saw his face before- then I saw Grigor's comment and remembered his amazing caricature as well. Who is he going to commission next??

Anonymous said...

What the hell is wrong with him?!?

How does one go about requesting commissions? I'll pay good money for quality crap (if it doesn't put me in the poorhouse)!

Josh Heisie

CaseyBug said...

That's the sexiest drawing of a man-worm from hell I've ever seen.

Aaronphilby said...

what a dufus he is!

Niall O loughlin said...

Happy new year Marlo

Nate said...

he looks like a bottom root of a tree

jealous ......


The complete story about this commission is not complete. Marlo, please tell the truth !!!


PS: I loved both GRIGOR caricatures !!!

Ashley Fisher said...

i really like your style.
so outrageous and wonderful!

Andrea Gerstmann said...

Awesome painting! I love the hair, the eyes and the mood... I keep staring at the background trying to figure out how you did it..

SEILER said...

Brilliant . . . !

Marcelo Vignali said...

Usually you really push your caricatures, but this one is so accurate a description, it looks like portrait. You really nailed this poor guy.

Pavel Jakubec said...

WOOOOOW,phantastic expression!!!

Skid Knee said...

what a pussy!

Alterego said...

I am late to this party and know nothing about either of you (except that I saw the JohnK mention). I think some of his other caricatures are more like portraits, and others are similar enough to each other to be repeats, or Mick Jagger imitations.

While yours may not cast him in the light he wanted, it it by far the most daring and unique and demonstrates attention to his features. There are a few notable drawings (like Grigor's) in his collection, but many look like quickly done vanity pieces you might get at the mall.

glamaFez said...

Au Contraire....it looks exactly like the poor guy, and that's why he rejected it.

Anonymous said...

Some rotten comments on here. Did you read the phrase "politely explained"? I think the caricature should be taken for what it is (and I would personally have accepted it) because whatever you - never thought I'd use this word - fanboys (or girls) think of his face its not ugly per se and hence its not mean, and taking that spin on it here is just that. People do read comments you know.

Dont know this talented supersexy Marlo-person or the caricatured guy, so that is not it, just an outside perspective. Too often on the internet you see one well-functioning person make a post about something where there is a tiny bit of friction or an missunderstanding involved and what follows is people kicking the door in like brutes, and probably in a way that is not doing the op any favours.

Anonymous said...

Some rotten comments on here. Did you read the phrase "politely explained"? I think the caricature should be taken for what it is (and I would personally have accepted it) because whatever you - never thought I'd use this word - fanboys (or girls) think of his face its not ugly per se and hence its not mean, and taking that spin on it here is just that. People do read comments you know.

Dont know this talented and supersexy Marlo-person or the caricatured guy, so that is not it, just an outside perspective. Too often on the internet you see one well-functioning person make a post about something where there is a tiny bit of friction or an missunderstanding involved and what follows is people kicking the door in like brutes, and probably in a way that is not doing the op any favours.