Flight of the Conchords' Jemaine Clement and Bret McKenzie

I have not seen much of the show, just glad to have some current celebs on here!


crsP said...
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Anonymous said...

If you were drawing something I recognized, I would recognize it. Fortune smiles on me. Drink more water.

AnnGee said...

I peed a little when I saw this! The most beautiful drawing in the whole wide room.

Jose Saenz said...


Trevour said...

Haha, I like Jemaine's mouth and Bret's nose best. I was just thinking of doing a caricature of these guys. It shall be nowhere as grand as yours of course!

I just got the DVD to catch up on all the episodes. Got their EP too - thems guys are two funny Kiwis.

Mark Geyer said...

Awesome music and very cool post! I love their "Robot" song.

Joel Boyajian said...

Thank you. Because your work helped me to make better caricatures....I would like to meet you some day, but I'm still living in Argentina. I'm studying graphic design and advertising and everything I can.
Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

It looks like it was drawn with special imported tools. Clearly an educated hand drew this!

Jeff Campbell said...

great capture, you've really brought this piece to life. Great job!

Brie215@hotmail.com said...

These are the most amazing things I have ever seen.

I would very much like to partake in the intercourses with Jemaines teeth.

You and Bret should be nose buddies :C

Shawn Dickinson said...

Very nice!

Marlo, your art always gives me eyeball boners!

:: smo :: said...

i've seen enough to know it's totally dead on! and that they love david bowie. as they should.

Jason Dunn said...

Awesome! I love this stuff!

Chloe Cumming said...

Yay! Yay I say yay!

I like them a bit

Bret does have a very thin nose.

Good work with surfing the shallow scurf of the now.

I have new zealandy blood you know. Yiss.

lastangelman said...

Man, your caricatures should be getting you loads of magazine work - who's your agent- she's not working hard enough.

Emily Byrne said...

Love dem flowing lineses!!!

Anonymous said...

nice one, but whydya have to squirt on it ?

Ryan G. said...

Wow! Nice Marlo..This show is hilarious by the way

Hammerson said...

I haven't seen the show, and I don't know who these two are... but, WHAT AN AMAZING DRAWING!!! It's unbelievable! My eyeballs are going to explode, so I must quickly leave this place...

Unknown said...

awesome. i love that show.

Marlo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marlo said...

hey no questions or embarrassing stories? fine.

Marlo said...

all comments much appreciated!

Marlo said...

Hey angela, nice to see you!

sdestefano said...

Neato crazy drawings, Marlo. Thanks for posting on my blog, and the compliments right back at you.
best, Sde

Katie said...

JEMAINE!!!! He's so beautiful!! I love these Marlo...you're amazing.

robi pena said...

hi marlo!

beautiful drawings, i like your humor!!

Tony Akins said...

My complex network of jungle drums and jabbering chimps have alerted me to your new posts, Marlo.
Alas, this network of drums and excitable simians is not as efficient as the web and cellular phones for sending/receiving news...but better a late comment than no comment, no?

Great work. I enjoy it so!

I don't watch Conchords, but hear great things!

Have you done any editorial art ever?

Eddie Fitzgerald said...

Wow! Very nice!!!!!

Chris S. said...

I love these guys ... well done. You're such a unique artist, Marlo!

Kristen McCabe said...

Jemaine has sexy kissable lips and you drew them perfectly. I think I'm gonna steal this drawing so I can kiss his well drawn lips.

Marlo you're like Totally Awesome! Like Totally fer Sure!

Drake Brodahl (pumml) said...

Gorgeous work, again and again! It's great to have such a nice payoff each time I visit your blog!

Anonymous said...

Haha, tight drawing.

Do any of you guys happen to like Disney stuff?

Just wanted to let you know our website’s getting rid of all its Disney merchandise. You can find the sale at Ipledge.com. We're getting rid of tote bags, pins, post cards, notecards, magnets, mugs and more, all featuring disney characters at a ridiculously low price.

Gon said...

Wicked drawings Marlo, awsome funny wird lines you draw, keep it comin!
Regards from Europe!

Jeremy Townsend (JERT) said...

yup Kansas city is beautiful in January

Robert Islas said...

The shapes in these are amazing and the colors are damn tasty as always. Groovy!

Matt Tamaru said...

These guys are handsome! and a little bit pretty as well.. thanks alot for making me 10 percent more sissy Marlo.

Matt Tamaru said...

These guys are handsome! and a little bit pretty as well.. thanks alot for making me 10 percent more sissy Marlo.

Tooninator said...

You're awesome!!

Puga Vida said...

Awesome!!these are feaking dope!

Mitchel Kennedy said...

Oh man the show is awesome! Search YouTube for "Business Time"!

Great drawings!

Nate said...

i love ..... so fun

David DeGrand said...

Hey Marlo, cool meeting you on Myspace. Awesome blog stuff, I swear people as talented as you aren't from the planet. You must be from some super race of cartooning geniuses from another galaxy!!!

Josh Spencer said...

Yeah! These guys are fandastic. Love your work.

Mukpuddy said...

Holy crap the likeness' are spot on... AWESOME!! Go the fellow Kiwis!!

Dee said...

Hey Marlo, amazing work! Just found your blog. Love it! ;) Hopefully us girls, will be able to get a table at comic con this year. It will be lots of fun. We'll keep you informed in the new year. Cheers!;)

Anonymous said...

What is love? When is love? How is love?

Eddie Fitzgerald said...

Merry Christmas, Marlo!!!!!

Laura said...

*gaaaaaasp* !

I Luuh-uhhh--FF! Your! Work!

*pant heave*

Thank you. whew.

-jjmm- said...


Anonymous said...

Love the Conchords.
this blog chose them as best EP of 2007!
I personally think it should be Black kids, but the conchords are just as awesome.

Joel Boyajian said...

Happy New Year, Marlo!

GUAICO said...




PotatoFarmGirl said...

I like how you use markers to make everying look soft and fluffy. The hair, I want to go to sleep on it!

PotatoFarmGirl said...

I like how you use markers to make everying look soft and fluffy. The
hair, I want to go to sleep on it!

Corey said...

You just about nailed it! Great work.

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . A hug.

Patrick McMicheal said...

C'mon HotShot....let's see some NEW work!!!!!! Stop wasting time on MYSPACE and post some shit over here!!!!!
I really DO check everyday for your updates...I enjoy your creations.

chumpmonkey said...

i am a recent convert to the comic awsomeness that is the flight of the conchords, and i plan to get around to caricaturing them soon.

yours is fabulous. great likenesses, great exaggerations.

Jamal O said...

Appealing works.

cool blog

vagabundo said...

sorry for not commenting about your artwork.....

But damn your hot!!!

Now, on to the drawings.

Eric Bauza said...

Your colors are amazing

Trevor Thompson said...

Why I Like Marlo's Artwork In The Form of a Haiku

by Trevor Thompson ( age five )

Marlo's markers make
Your eyes do extra work to
Take in the detail

The Limerick About The Chick Cartoonist Collective

by Trevor Thompson ( Mrs. )

There once was a female cartoonist
In fact, several, and nudists!
They drew naughty parts, and played topless darts,
And attracted several drawing enthus'ists.

Huh? Huh? Okay, I'm no Seuss, but I got better rhymes than Lil' Kim. And we both have tits.

- trevor.

A.M.Bush said...

Stop drawing my boyfriends.

Jason Dunn said...

I love this picture. It's spot-on perfect, and I keep coming back to it.

Anonymous said...

That's super fantastalistic, AND expealidocious. Makes me proud to be a kiwi. Not that I have the lips or nose of either of them, but uh, I saw germaine on a billboard once when he was modeling in Wellington, and Bret played with his former band in the squat I used to live in, before he was famous. >end skite

Your skills make me cry jealous tears.

the doodlers said...

it is a perfect likeness

Unknown said...

lmao great one! looks just like them

Anonymous said...

Nice fill someone in on and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.