Another Cripple

Didn't catch blinky bonnet boy's name because I think it was communicated through blinking Morse code.


Anonymous said...

Great stuff as usual.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff as usual.

Jay D Smith said...

i like!

Piotr said...

looks like a cross between harpo marx and marcel marceau! I like his muzzle! :P

shaggy said...

Looks cool!

Trevor Thompson said...

This young lad has striking looks. Not that he's a sophisticated looker like myself, mind you, but striking in regards to the familiar.

I may not have seen this lad in real life, but I feel I have, because I live sandwiched between three hick-tastic Florida cities and towns.

I love the blue bags under his eyes, cuz Lord knows I'd punch this joik.

And if he doesn't live in Florida, he could definitely inhabit Forestland, eh Katie?

Awesome work as always, M&M!

- trevor.

Trevor Thompson said...

That plaid shirt is executed very well. Didn't know they made a plaid marker.

- trevor.

Gary Clair said...

A co-worker was looking at your blog, and without knowing you did this, I knew it was you.. from across the room!! Just from the colors alone!

You got a good style going with this!!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite parts of this are the plaid collar and the cheek acne. I can relate to blinky having a cornea transplant and a hard contact lens.
Nice work!

Anonymous said...

Great drawing! Your work is absolutely amazing and soooo funny, I love it! :)

IZA said...

hahaha! You never cease to amaze me with your wonderful artwork Marlo!!

Stone said...

wonderful color as always. I dig the way you got the "blinks" in there.

Katie said...

BLINKY BONNET! What a nice pair of words! More importantly though, this drawing rules!! The eyes are my favorite part! Marlo!! You're so creative! YAAAAAAH

Vincent Waller said...

Did you get a photo of blinky?

Pawel Trojniar said...

you are dee sexiest women i have ever laid eyes on! Blinky Bonnet...when did i hear that before?

Bayard said...

sweet! like raggidy andy on drugs!

Nico said...

HA he just ate a frisbee! i love the large sacks of bruised skin dangling from his eyes. he probably gets it from blinking so much

what is up?

Marlo said...

Hey, Vincent. No, but, I will start taking more likeness photos to illustrate my decision-making

Sean Worsham said...

He reminds me of "Harpo" of Marx Bros. fame:

For those not in the know:


[Moth] said...


I'm beginning to enjoy the beauty of the ugly

Regards from Spain!


david said...

ha i like the green eye saggy skin and the protruding mouth muzzle thinger. nice work!

Jenny Lerew said...

Wow beauuuuuuuutiful!

lastangelman said...

It's official.
You now can give Bill Wray a run for his money.
The lower lashes after the eye bags is especially inspired.

Corey said...

It's really cool how you caricature using color, not just line. Very cool, I want to be this good!

Brent Engstrom said...

I like how you have him blinking and seeing at the same time. Your drawings are great!

Marc Deckter said...


Anonymous said...

Great stuff, Marlo, really great! Creepy tough beautiful! Loved it! I write some comics but I wish I had your talent for creating these 'caracters'...

ps: I'm from Brazil, so excuse my english... aniway, loved your art

Trevor Thompson said...

New drawings, please! I'm jonesin' ova here.


- trevor.

Unknown said...


DarĂ­o said...

Your work is great!!!!

Anonymous said...

Genius! I love the feeling up one and the cum-squirting pimple xD

And those eyelashes on the first are spectacular!! Like ink splats!